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5 perfect minutes

12:08 A.M. Monday morning very early, 69 degrees, Full moon light fog from 
the dew settling in Just off of a 13 and 1/2 hour shift of work. Dog tired.. 
I roll in and see Haley and Ansata up close to the fence. I get a couple of 
cups of oats and head to the pasture. 20 steps away. Dump a cup of oats in 
each bucket. Haley munches in one, Ansata the other. I scratch Haley on the 
neck and go over to Ansata who moves when she sees me coming towards her. I 
reach down and put the bucket of oats in front of her she begins to munch 
again. I rest my arms and lean up against her back. Listening to her eat and 
breathe. Letting each breath rejuvinate my tired body. For once my feet 
don't hurt, my head stops aching, my back doesn't bother me. I am not tired. 
For five minutes the world stopped as I listened to cows mooing in the 
surrounding pastures and the crickets chirping. I hear an owl close by. I 
can feel dew settling on my arms it is cool and Ansata is warm to me. I 
breathe when she does now. I press my ears to her back to listen to her eat 
and breathe, two horses eating at once in the early morning. It was the most 
five perfect minutes of my week. I realized it was Monday morning the 
beginning of a week for some in a few hours. But the ending of a week for 
me...yet the start. However you see it, it was perfect.
Good morning Ridecampers it is a beautiful day today.
Carla, Ansata, Haley and Robert.

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