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Hal's Surgery

So that I don't get writer's cramp from all the replies, and believe me,
I am deeply moved by the level of concern for Halynov, here is the
skivvey on the surgery:
Hal bucked in pasture and came down wrong--- tore the little cartilage
supporting bones in fetlock. The vet thought he was fine (local--- not
Charlie--- should have taken him down there) but even though the
cartilage reattached with a little calcium deposit (cosmetic), there was
a little wibble wobble (how do you like my VERY technical vet terms) and
over time he wore down the disks between the bones and needs a fusion.
Should be fine afterwards--- but as with everything--VERY EXPENSIVE---
especially when you want the BEST and Charlie Boles is that! Nothing has
interfered with his breeding. You should see how soundly he walks past
the mares!!! We have kept postponing the surgery until after breeding
season, which seems to have gone on and on this year. Hal is not upset;
he would rather breed than undergo surgery any day.<G>
When you send the money to David, just specify you want to be in the
drawing for Hal or for whichever stallion. Heck, everyone who donates
will get a discount from me even if they don't win. I'm cc'ing David on
all responses I get so that he makes a note to include the donors in the
drawing. Thanks for your contributions and concern for Hal!
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(yes, REALLY!)

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