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a call for website submissions
Donnalyn and Nadja wishesforhorses@hotmail.com
An informative site for horse people
Breathtaking pictures and heartwarming stories of each breed
Hi. We are sending this message today to invite you to participate in a new website for any and all people interested in horses, our faithful, beautiful and silently intelligent companions. We are planning to create an informative new website for horse people. You are invited to share your favorite original pictures and heartwarming stories of your breed.
The overwhelming response to our recent website, has peaked our enthusiasm to taking on a new task. Our current site, at www.if-wishes-were-horses.com is dedicated to our therapeutic riding program. But we have noticed that the more we do, the more that is begging to be done. The website is like a many-headed hydra, with each head wanting to be fed.
We have many on-going projects happening right now for educational purposes and some just for fun. We hope that all of them will bring attention to riding for the disabled and the abilities, not the disabilities, of people everywhere.
We have found that students frequently ask for information on horses, especially on the breed of horse that they are riding. From that starting point an idea has grown to providing an informative site for horse people everywhere.
Do you remember those big picture and information books that we looked through and dreamed over when we were kids? We hope to build up a community website with the basis being a picture book with one page highlighting each breed. We want to share the most breathtaking pictures and heartwarming stories of each breed.
We are inviting people of any age and any background participate. Please send us:
-Information on your breed, purebred or mixed
-Information on your favorite horse-related event or sport
-Your original and favorite pictures
-A special story highlighting your horse or your horse's breed
-Your original artwork
-Your original poetry.
For all submissions please include your name, email address and age (if you are under 18) and the breed of the horse. We will be highlighting different artwork, stories and pictures on a rotating basis. Please remember that any submissions must be original work, so that we are not infringing on copyright laws.
We also invite any and all suggestions of what you would like to see on this type of site. All suggestions are welcome! Please send your submissions and suggestions to: wishesforhorses@hotmail.com
Eventually, we hope to raise money from the site to help support disabled riders and their riding. In order to accomplish this, an on-line tack shop, book store and gift shop will eventually be added to the site. We also plan to introduce a donation button so that people can choose to donate funds, via a credit card, directly to disabled riding charities.
Please share this letter with everyone you know who loves horses and invite them to participate as well. This site will belong to horsepeople everywhere. Please assist us in the creation of this unique community-oriented site.
If you choose to participate, we will send a personal invitation when we are open for business. Send any submissions to wishesforhorses@hotmail.com
Sharing in the love of our horses.
Highlighting their beauty, and our relationship
Donnalyn and Nadja
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