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Re: RC: rescue services

At 01:13 PM 8/10/00 -0500, Tina wrote:
>every other horse event I've attended (dressage, h/j, eventing, etc...) 
>always have a rescue squad, ambulance, something on grounds.

"Something on grounds" pretty much says it all.  Now somebody tell me if 
mounted orienteering, competitive trail riding, and any other equestrian 
event that covers as many miles of trail has a rescue squad available for 
HORSES.  And I'm curious what such a rescue squad would consist of.  At 
race tracks there's a veterinary ambulance right next to the track.  How 
many veterinary ambulances are available in this country?  Should 
helicopters be standing by with slings to airlift horses out?  There's lots 
of people who think RMs should provide "support" but just does this 
mean?  I think when it's spelled out, it's not nearly as realistic a 
proposal as it seems on the surface. Lif

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