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Re: I Applaude you
Thank you so much Doris, you are right on! I have
received so many wonderful notes like yours that
truly- the 2 awful ones I received were so ignorant it
was almost comical. Truly- when I read a note like
I take a deep sigh, smile and know the experience did
teach me a lot- one of which is to not give up on
humans ;-) And there is a resue unit, and sources
being put together by my rescuers , with me being
involved and making sure on TEVIS ride day THERE will
be something available, even if it is something as
simple as a list for riders! Oh! - my husband and I
are going to get our HAM radio license too.!
Thanks Again!
Mother, Wife, 3 dog owner, and kept by Willy the
wonder horse! DENISE
--- "Rudnick, Doris" <RudnickD@Coudert.com> wrote:
> Denise:
> I dont know you but I read your post on other
> lists and I applaude
> you gal.
> I am a trail rider I can only imagine the hell you
> went through
> having to leave the scene where your horse slipped
> down and away. You were
> in physical hell and danger of losing your own life
> and I love my horses
> more than anything and would do anything for them,
> but I must admit that
> given the same set of circumstances I would have
> done probably exactly what
> you did.
> The fact is that the horse is fine, God took care
> of the situation
> and you took care of you so that you could get back
> there and reclaim your
> horse...thank God for you both.
> Sometimes people on the internet just dont THINK
> nor are able to put
> themselves in anthor human beings shoes.
> What good would it have done for you to kill
> yourself slipping down
> the crevice, and then your horse be alive today (to
> speak about it)? I
> dont think that prioritizing ones self preservation
> is a sin or a crime but
> a factor of life and nature. If you had not taken
> care of yourself you
> never would have been able to take care of business
> with your horse and get
> him out of there.
> We all need to exercise compassion and
> understanding and learn to
> put ourselves in the other persons mocassins before
> we criticize and judge.
> God bless you and your horse for many more years of
> trail riding.
> Doris Rudnick
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