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Re: hind end problem-EPM or Hocks
Thought I'd post this to the list in case anyone wonders what hock problems
vs EPM can be like:
Hi Shelly,
This could also be hocks. He sounds somewhat like my stallion did on a
really bad day. I ended up "curing" him with HA injections, and MSM and CS
as a maintenence. He has done 3500+ miles and it kills him to be left
behind when I ride the younger horses.
A couple of things you can check:
1.If this horse is rideable, horses with hock problems have trouble going
downhill. Not steep hills, but slight...they often stumble to their knees on
a slight grade...
2. The horse will slip in the rear a lot.
3. The horse will be sore on the top of his butt (the larger muscles) above
the point of hip.
4. Watch carefully and look for flexion of the hock when the horse moves.
Even at a walk. Notice if they tend to drag or pull one leg along. It can
be very subtle, and if it is both hocks, sometimes very hard to tell.
I have heard a tell-tale sign of EPM is the horse has trouble backing up.
Hock problem horses do not.
Hope this helps!
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Endurance Arabians
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