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More farrier stuff...sorry
Okay here goes.. I shod July 11th..both Ansata and Haley. The farrier was
extremely reasonable but three things that I didn't care for. He wasn't
Harmful to my horses but however he treated me as if I had NO CLUE to what
the Hell I was talking about. Was not familiar with NB shoes. Instead of
calling me by my name I was called LADY as if it was a curse word. Was not
very patient with the horses and would not take any advice as how to deal
with them.
Now Ansata is really left long in the toe...I am sure she didn't grow it
that quick over night...When I said something I was basically told that is
how she should be trimmed it is the way she needs to be trimmed she didn't
need that much off the toe.
I am not stupid at least I don't think so. But am I not correct you trim and
shoe according to the slope of the shoulder and pastern????
Her left front is great, her right front is long almost looking like she
should be either A) the rear leg of a dressage horse or b)a walking horse
needing pads.
I am sure I need to fix this quick before she begins to have problems being
so lopsided.
So what to do now..It took me 9 weeks to find this one....basically I feel I
am not completely satisfied so I need to find yet another farrier....
Carla (looking for mr or ms right for my horses shoe needs)
Ansata (mommmm I am loppsided)
Haley (I wouldn't dare BITE anyone.....not me..unless it is ansata)
Rob (he is 39!!!! and lives with his MOM?????)
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