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Re: RC: weight divisions

> Hello everyone, I have a Q. about weight divisions....if you top ten
at> a ride, go weigh in, and are either over or under your weight >
division,> what happens?

Over is perfectly legal. If they're under everybody blames the scales.
For a lightweight, .04% weightloss is 6.6 lbs. Don't know about ya'll,
but I rode a 100 eating DIET FOOD and didn't lose a pound.  I have been
beat for first LW by a rider whose BC weight was 157.  If I'd complained
everybody would have considered me a sore loser.  I think the .04% is
plenty of leeway for bad scales.  If you can't make it in that range,
you're riding out of your weight division.  The other riders shouldn't be
forced to complain. I don't want to make enemies and this person is
probably somebody I consider a friend. But I think if you stand for BC
and don't make even the .04% range, the ride manager should be REQUIRED
to do something.

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