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Re: RC: National Championship Ride
At 4:01 PM -0400 8/7/00, EquesB@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 8/7/00 12:46:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>guest@endurance.net writes:
><< There was no hay provided at the vet checks. Some riders said the section
>of trail that management considered "challenging" was "unconscionable" and
>"cruel". >>
>Barb, I did not go to the NC ride, but I can tell you that it wasn't the SE
>riders expecting hay at the VC, since we never have hay provided by mangement
>at the VC. Can someone tell me WHY it is provided at some (or all?) rides in
>the West.
>Jackie Baker
A PS response-
I do it as a courtesy to the riders. The last two years we got
donated feed. This year I'm probably buying, after a glitch in last
year's delivery, and wanting to be pickier about the quality of the
hays. It's simply not that much money to buy a few bales of hay, a
bag of bran and a couple big bags of carrots. One less thing for the
riders to worry about. It's in the ride entry flyer, so they can
plan ahead. It's unconscionable to run out since it's advertised as
available, though.
Same as providing porta-potties and water, IMO
who ordered 7 potties this morning
Ontario, California http://www.lynnesite.com
ReactorPanel saddles http://www.reactorpanel.com
Norco Riverdance Ride (PS) 9/2/00
& Rem-member Me, Celesteele
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