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National Championship Ride

Barb Thomas
Heard from a couple of the 50 mile finishers over the weekend and would like to see some feedback and opinions from other riders.  I heard that the vetting was outstanding.  But also heard that the vetting was outstanding.  I heard that the water provided at base camp came in a fire tanker and was tainted, smelling like diesel.  Some riders went to the local Wal-Mart and bought their horses bottled water because it smelled so bad.  There was no hay provided at the vet checks.  Some riders said the section of trail that management considered "challenging" was "unconscionable" and "cruel".  Anything worse than the OD and Tevis comes into question as far as use in a competition.  The riders all received mugs, finishers or not and they had to but their T-shirts.  For a National Championship Ride, was this what you riders expected?  What would you do to change or improve it?  I'd sure be disappointed to go to a ride that was to be the premier AERC ride and find such conditions, especially after the big bucks entry fee and all that hauling.  Wasn't there but would like to hear from others that were.  Barb

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