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Re: On Fire
Jonni <jonnij@earthlink.net>
While my heart goes out to ALL the victums of brush and forest fires, I am a bit troubled by the fact that the animals are not evacuated yet. First, why wait until you are in a HUGE rush. Take them out while you have the time to think more clearly. Second, and even more important, it was mentioned the smoke was so thick it was hard for you to breathe. What do you think this smoke is doing to your animals. As I understand it, the thick smoke does so much damage to the horses. If you have a safe place to take them, that is away from the smoke, please consider taking them as soon as you can.
I have been a member of evacuation teams in the past when Malibu California was burning. I tell you, pulling a trailer full of horses up a canyon road, with 30-80' flames shooting into the air on each side of this canyon, knowing if the wind shifted we could get caught IN the flames was not my idea of a fun time. Fires shift and change patterns so quickly, that a home that was not in danger one moment, is now in direct line of the fire. People have the choice as to how long to stay before evacuation, animals do not.
I hope that the rains do come (without lightning) to aid the hardworking fire fighters that are trying to save homes. It is a very frightning situation, and my thoughts are with everyone.
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