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RC: Re: sells "Cannibal Ferox" - a film with torture of animals

All very excellent points!  Unfortunately they will probably fall on many deaf
ears.  I believe the Cato Institute (I could be wrong, I'm not at home so can't
verify the study title, but it was referenced in LP News) recently published
something showing that 62% of Americans support censoring free speech, so it
wouldn't take much of a leap to say that at least that many would support
censoring books/movies/art exhibits/sports/ etc.  Sadly that the whole "I may
not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death you're right to say
it" thing is no longer politically correct.


"Harry Browne for President!"

Lif Strand <> on 08/04/2000 04:17:07 PM

To:   Ridecamp <>
cc:    (bcc: Tamara Woodcock/US1/Lend Lease)

Subject:  RC:  Re: sells "Cannibal Ferox" - a film with torture of

> is a very large US bookstore which sells books and movies on
>the internet.  They now are selling a film called "Cannibal Ferox", which
>shows cruel killing of real animals as well as simulated torture,
>mutiliation, and murder of people.  This movie is banned in many
>countries.  .......  I hope you and others will e-mail them to protest
>this horrible film:

Hmmm - that would be asking to censor what they sell, wouldn't
it?  Not only do I not believe in censorship, I don't even know if the
allegation is true.   I haven't seen the movie and believe me, am not
likely to ever see it - so I don't know if the killing is actually cruel or
not.  Wouldn't it be hypocritical to ask to censor a movie that
has scenes in which animals are killed?  After all, we kill animals here in
the US all the time.  Happens at the pound, in slaughterhouses, and in
barnyards all over this country.  What's illegal about filming the killing
of animals?  Now if the animals were *tortured*, that's another thing - but
I don't know if they were.

That's why I can't just protest to about that film.  Think about
this - anyone who had enough people to protest selling a book or movie or
whatever on those sites could protest to get it removed.  Just think about
if some organization decided to get it's membership to protest the selling
of books or videos on endurance racing because maybe their version of
cruelty to animals makes endurance cruelty.  It could happen.  Don't
encourage censorship. lists the director as Umberto Lenzi.  Why not contact him?  It
won't work, of course, because there's probably nothing illegal in what
he's done - so what needs to be attacked *if actual cruelty to animals was
filmed*  is the fact that this stuff CAN be done and IS being done (and I
do believe it happens -there's sickos everywhere).

Note that I DO NOTcondone the selling of books/movies that show sick
subjects, but censorship isn't the answer.  Lif

providing you with alternatives for your life
Web Page Design * Computer Graphics * Internet Research * Fine Art
Blue-Green Algae & other complementary health options
Arabian Horses for Distance Riding
fax: (561) 594-4609 is a very large US bookstore which sells books and movies on the internet.  They now are selling a film called "Cannibal Ferox", which shows cruel killing of real animals as well as simulated torture, mutiliation, and murder of people.  This movie is banned in many countries.  .......  I hope you and others will e-mail them to protest this horrible film:

Hmmm - that would be asking to censor what they sell, wouldn't it?  Not only do I not believe in censorship, I don't even know if the allegation is true.   I haven't seen the movie and believe me, am not likely to ever see it - so I don't know if the killing is actually cruel or not.  Wouldn't it be hypocritical to ask to censor a movie that has scenes in which animals are killed?  After all, we kill animals here in the US all the time.  Happens at the pound, in slaughterhouses, and in barnyards all over this country.  What's illegal about filming the killing of animals?  Now if the animals were *tortured*, that's another thing - but I don't know if they were. 

That's why I can't just protest to about that film.  Think about this - anyone who had enough people to protest selling a book or movie or whatever on those sites could protest to get it removed.  Just think about if some organization decided to get it's membership to protest the selling of books or videos on endurance racing because maybe their version of cruelty to animals makes endurance cruelty.  It could happen.  Don't encourage censorship. lists the director as Umberto Lenzi.  Why not contact him?  It won't work, of course, because there's probably nothing illegal in what he's done - so what needs to be attacked *if actual cruelty to animals was filmed*  is the fact that this stuff CAN be done and IS being done (and I do believe it happens -there's sickos everywhere). 

Note that I DO NOTcondone the selling of books/movies that show sick subjects, but censorship isn't the answer.  Lif

Lif & Paul Strand
providing you with alternatives for your life
Web Page Design * Computer Graphics * Internet Research * Fine Art
Blue-Green Algae & other complementary health options
Arabian Horses for Distance Riding
fax: (561) 594-4609

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