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Jerri Larsen wrote:
>My colt chewed, and slobbered what looks like sugar syrup all over my
>Paso's neck and mane... It is one heck of a mess.... I have never done a
>bath... are there any 1,2,3 steps on what and how to do it???
FIRST: Can you hose the horse to cool him? If he isn't fearful of the
water it's easy (I had my Arab a year before someone showed me).
1. Get a "Y" hose at the hardware store so you can connect one
hose to BOTH hot and cold water (mixed). Also get a metal spray
wand (so you can feel the temperature and be sure it's not too hot).
2. If the horse is fearful you might use a lead rope to hold him instead
of cross ties.
3. Mix horse shampoo with warn water in a bucket.
4. Wet the horse completely with the spray wand (sometimes it helps
if you let him drink from the hose) , then use a scrubbing
brush and scrub him all over with the soapy water. Use a sponge on his
face, keeping soap away from his eyes.
5. Rinse him all over with the wand (head last). Keep water out of his ears.
6. Unhook him and let him go roll in the dustiest part of the paddock.
7. Go in the house and put on dry clothes (unless you started naked or in a
bathing suit).
John and Meshack
http://www.bypass.com/~ayers (Vermont Equestrian Activities)
Secretary/Treasurer Vermont Arabian Horse
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