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Re: RC: Fwd: your posts
If you have Netscape mail program, go to Edit, Click on preferences, Go
to Messages (under mail program) and under top box which is regarding
"forwards and replies" pull down Quoted in line" rather than sending
replies and forwards as attachments. that should solve your problem. If
you have Internet Explorer you have to find same category--- I believe
it's under Internet tools, but I removed my Outlook Express mail program
due to its vulnerability to viruses and worms. If you have Outlook,
perhaps someone else can walk you through that.
good luck
> Endure4fun@aol.com wrote:
> I don't know why my email "comes with a attachment" I have tried to
> get rid
> of it but it seems to stay that way. I have tried the suggestions
> that other
> emailers have sent me but none seem to work.
> I have ridden Tevis and have crewed.
> Keri
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: your posts
> Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:06:42 -0700
> From: "Eric & Gail Hought" <hought@humboldt1.com>
> To: <Endure4fun@aol.com>
> Why do your post keep coming through with a file attachment. I keep
> doing a permanent delete on them because of that. I haven't had any
> of the viruses and don't want one. By the way what is your name.
> Did you ride or crew the Tevis?
> Gail Hought
> www.hought.com
> hought@humboldt1.com
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(yes, REALLY!)
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