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Re: RC: Rider conditioning - plateau
In a message dated 7/29/00 11:42:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
mlaboure@flash.net writes:
<< I'm trying to get myself in better condition. I have a new Arab gelding
and want to be in the best shape possible to ride him (so see - this is
endurance related.) Have been counting calories and walking. Have lost
10 pounds, but have been stuck at the same weight for 10 days now! So
this must be what people mean about being stuck on a plateau. How does
one break a plateau? Eat more, eat less, exercise more? I was only
eating 800 to 1000 calories a day and I think my body thought I was
starving. Any ideas here?
Amber >>
To trigger fat burning, exercise at 55%HR Max HR Minus Resting HR X .55
+Resting HR) and continue that exercise (same speed) until HR drifts up 5
points. This will put you in adipose tissue burning mode for up to 12 hours.
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