    Check it Out!    
Snaffle or what?
Some of you know that my husband has been looking for another horse. I
have been calling to check on several for him. This last one, the poor
man had just had heart surgery and could no longer ride, so he's selling
his 3 yr. old gelding, including all his tack. The man didn't know much
about horses, including how to measure one. So I explained how to
measure and he said he'd go out and do it right then. I called him back
later. Horse turned out to be almost 15 hands, so I continued to ask
questions. The man actually told me that the horse "was rough as a cob"
at the trot and "pitched a little" at the canter! Pretty honest man.
Then he went on to say that the horse had been ridden in a side pull,
but he thought he should have "something" in his mouth, so he put him in
a "snorkel!!" I actually was able to finish the conversation and hang
up before bursting into laughter! My husband called the man back to ask
more questions, and all of a sudden I noticed his face squewing up and
his eyes bugging out, so I whispered "Snorkel?" He nodded his head
violently up and down, still trying to contain himself. We both burst
into laughter when he hung up.
    Check it Out!    
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