Re: RC: *ALERT*-Traveling w/horses to Kentucky?
Susan Swope-Attardi wrote:
> Kentucky Department of Agriculture Officials began cracking down in state in
> the month of July. Please be aware that if you are attending a ride (horse
> show, trail ride, or just passing through for that matter), that state
> officials will be checking for both a negative coggins test (within 12
> months-unless going to sale, in which case it is 6 months) AND a 30 day
> veterinary health certificate. You will need BOTH of these documents or you
> will not be permitted entrance to the event you are wishing to attend. In
> addition, if pulled over in route, you may well be escorted to the state
> line. Granted, these things should go without saying when traveling with
> horses, but at a recent Kentucky ride, ride several out-of-state riders did
> not have health certificates and the state officials were quite serious
> about their job. Thankfully, Ride Management and Head Vet Duane Barnett,
> DVM was able to smooth things over quickly. Duane performed health checks
> to the satisfaction of officials, who watched with a critical eye and did,
> indeed, issue written "warnings." (Try as they might... the fun was not
> spoiled, the official was quickly put in the back of folks minds and the
> ride went right on and a good time was had by all! ;)
> Ride managers be forewarned... I have no idea whether or not this is a
> reflection of things to come in other states, or if, indeed, things are this
> strict in other states and we have been spoiled here; but, we were told by
> the officials that in the future we must state clearly on our ride forms
> that both of these documents would be required along with the details and
> that officials WILL be present and checking before horses come off of the
> trailer. I've been to numerous rides around the country in which state
> requirements were not mentioned on literature, and in my opinion, when
> traveling with horses it is the responsibility of the person behind the
> wheel to have the proper documentation when crossing state lines, but, this
> is what we were told and we will, indeed, comply in the future. Here are
> some excerpts from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture website:
> 1) General requirements.
> (a) All horses and other equidae entering Kentucky shall be accompanied by a
> Certificate of Veterinary Inspection except horses and other equidae
> purchased at an approved out-of-state horse sale. Certificate shall include
> all tests that have been conducted as well as all vaccinations including
> vaccination date and type of vaccine used.
> b) Attached to the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection shall be a copy of a
> certificate of report from a laboratory approved by the USDA showing the
> animal(s) to be negative to an AGID test or other USDA approved test for
> equine infectious anemia.
> and...
> 3. All horses and other equidae six (6) months of age or older, except
> unweaned foals accompanied by their dam, offered for entry for reasons other
> than sale (i.e., entry into fairgrounds, livestock showgrounds, public
> boarding stables, trail rides, racing, etc.) shall be negative to an AGID
> test or other USDA approved test for equine infectious anemia within twelve
> (12) months prior to entry.
> (j) Veterinarian's statement that examination was made within the past
> thirty (30) days and revealed the animal(s) to be free from symptoms of a
> contagious, infectious or communicable disease or exposure thereto.
> For further details on Kentucky see the KDA website at:
> http://www.kyagr.com/state_vet/ah/programs/equineprogs/anemia2.htm
> For information within your home state see the State Ag Department's website
> at: http://www.agdomain.com/html/government_state_ag.jsp
> Susan Swope-Attardi
> AERC Southeast Region
> Kentucky
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Thanks, Susan.
I was there and felt the entire scene a joke....not that one should not carry
these papers, but that it is random. I had a long talk with the ag inspector and
he said the state only has five of them. I have been pulled over many times on
the road (as I live near KY) and always had my paperwork or no horses. I was
told (not confirmed) that there is also a $250 fine associated with
Again, the good guys (us) suffer for the negligence of the riff-raff who don't
give a damn.....
Teddy Lancaster
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