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Re: RC: RC: Re:overweight an issue?
Jana Crewett wrote:
> >You are German???
> ;-) - anything wrong with that?? (I live in the UK though, so maybe I
> don't count...)
> <big snip>
> >I have emailed to ERASA to get in contact with Dr. Loukie Viljoen
> and ask
> >for an update of that study as well as for more data. I'll keep you
> >informed.
> Thanks - this is starting to get interesting!
> It was really just an example of how an outside factor that affects
> speed could skew the result if this factor is not explicitly taken
> care of. There are probably hundreds more of these "outside
> influences" out there (heavier riders might mainly be men, who might
> have on average less riding experience than women due to the "horse
> culture" in the west being mainly female-dominated and hence might be
> less balanced riders; heavier riders might on average be less
> physically fit; (heavier) men might on average work longer hours than
> (lighter) women and thus have less time for training their horses;
> ...)
Hey, anything against men?????
> Jana
So, for all interested in this any further, I have a first reply from
South Africa :-)
Take a look at http://erasa.co.za/new/erasa/handicapsysteminfo.html .
The ERASA (or better: Dr. Loukie Viljoen) developed a handicap system for
endurance rides. This is not really "weight depending", but very
interesting to read. What is said in a few paragraphs is that mass of
rider and riding speed are highly correlated ;-} where one has to look at
the speed!!! They have an average speed of 23 km /h (14.2 miles/h) as a
qualifying speed. To compensate all other variables, they developed this
handicap system.
I'll try to get access to their database which is, as mentioned, still
alive and record-keeping comtinues.
Just the first impression, more coming soon.
Gute Nacht, Jana,
good night all others,
Germany (local time is 9.30 pm)
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