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[Fwd: RC: contact info for France]
Rarephorm@aol.com wrote:
> Steph and all,
> Thanks so much for the address. Nik, Abra and me and all the other human
> types here in Oregon are wishing you and the entire US Team the GREATEST GOOD
> Please post all the news when you can.
> Ellen
> NADM Farm
> Canby, OR
Hi group,
I will also be there with my notebook and try to give you some updates about what
happens. I did so in May at the pre-ride, so I know that my equipment will work
Good luck to the USET and all the other ridecampers who are there to compete (Leo
from Belgium, Leo from Brasil (?) and many more) or help or support. But - sorry
- my best wishes are with the German Team. I am consulting (and crewing for) one
of the rider (she has two qualified horses) and maybe another one (she is on the
longlist, but not among the first six nominees). At this moment we have five
girls and a young man (lucky guy ;-) ) - and the girls are good!!!
I'll try to update as often as possible, but please apologize for any errors etc.
- it was helluva job in May - no infos from the official side, I had to collect
all my data on my on.
CU (Teddy, I'll answer ASAP, promised),
German Endurance Team
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