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RE: Guest posting
Jonni <jonnij@earthlink.net>
>>>I'm sorry if some ridecampers take offence at guests posting
to ridecamp. You might be interested to know that some of us
are subscribed and have paid our $10 but have decided to
unsubscribe to not be inundated with e-mails either at work or
Thank you Marci from bringing this up. I too am a Ridecamp "member", but found the e-mails over whelming. It is easier for me to seach the current archives, and read just the ones I want to, and skip those I have no interest in. I do not post often, but try to share information I feel those on the list would be interested in.
I understand the frustration when posters are not leaving their name and "real" e-mail address when posting as a guest and post things that get everyone upset. I too do not always take much credit to a post like that. But I move on to the next. Responding just fuels the fire.
But please do not throw every "guest" in to the same catagory. Most do have something to offer Ridecamp.
Thanks, Jonni (never shy to sign my notes)
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