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Big Horn 100
I know I'm a little late responding to this (I've been busy!), but I wanted
to contribute my thoughts on keeping the Big Horn going. I've done the
100, 3 times and the 55, once -- and to everyone, I say, it's a ride worth
tackling, for many reasons. However, the main reason that I am reluctant
to go back to the BH, is because it can be a little TOO much of a
challenge. The 100 is a LONG, 100 -- and during the last 25 miles, I think
there is only 1 water stop, and NO food for the horses. Lack of water on a
ride drives me up a wall and when it comes at the end of a HARD 100, I
have no tolerance for it -- I spend the whole time worrying about my horse
and that's NOT fun. So, my first suggestion would be to put another vet
check out there, between 70 miles and the finish, where the horses could
get some food and water into them. My second suggestion is to try to not
make things such a challenge -- put water troughs out at all of the vet
checks (people without crew don't like having to find the nearest creek or
pond or in order to get their horse cooled and get them a drink) -- it just
makes things that much harder, and it makes the BH less attractive when you
think about going back to it. I know if those two things were done, I'd be
much more inclined to do the ride year after year. I also think that the
idea of making it a multiday is a good one -- as long as you could get
permission to camp at the 55 mile point. I'd definitely come ride it
again, as a 2 day 100. But please DO try to keep the ride going -- it's
one of a kind!!
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