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Re: RC: Re: Strasser /natural hoof trims
In a message dated 7/26/00 10:50:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, TddWil@aol.com
<< The horse in question's sire was videotaped on a treadmill. The front legs
are very similar. The fetlock was twisted when the inside of the hoof hit
ground , so I was told to trim down the outside, which I have been doing
(actually the farrier has been doing at this point). The video camera sure
shows all sorts of strange things that go by too fast for the eye to see. I
am planning on trimming my own horses, and I am one of those anal people
has to know the WHY? of everything.
Shelly >>
Yes, a small miracle, treadmill videoing. We do that here, and had an
interesting case--same problem you're seeing and we took the same tack--BUT
the problem got worse, not better. So I sent the video to Ric Redden and he
saw immediately what was wrong. The deviation on this leg was at the knee,
not the fetlock or foot. Thus, taking off the outside of the foot allowed the
hoof to swing even farther to the inside. Ric told me that the correction I
used was only good if the deviation occurred low. He said not much can be
done for high deviations--better to just let them alone than to try to
correct them with shoeing.
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