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Fwd: RC: Fwd: RC: Re: Tevis (long)
I guess that is true. Who can "look" at a skinny, "boy, I sure could use
some more groceries", glassy eyed, "hey sun is in my eyes", hang dog
attitude, "saving my energy for ride" trots out bobbing head, "boy these new
shoes are tight" type of horse and really feel it is ok to give the go ahead
to start a 100 mile ride that is hard on the truly fit horse and a rider who
isn't trying to "pull something".
I think that when "some" people start doing endurance riding they lose what
is called a "conscience".
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In a message dated 7/26/00 8:50:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
Endure4fun@aol.com writes:
<< If this were totally true, then the vets should have pulled numerous
at the preride vetting. The Vets need to pull horses that aren't fit to
start at the start, not "early on in the ride." I know WSTF would loose a
lot of money if this were to happen, but this and all rides shouldn't be
about the "money" but about giving riders and horses a great ride to do.
vets need to be more "strong" about not letting a horse start then thinking
they can pull it at first vet check. >>
Naw. No criteria for that. You can't eyeball a "not fit to start" horse--all
you'd get would be a bunch of politics, and that's already a problem.
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