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Re: RC: Re: Re:overweight an issue? - Weight vs. lean mass

Rides 2 Far wrote:

> > That may work on the treadmill, but under real conditions at a
> > 100-mile race
> > (where it really counts), it doesn't.
> Does anybody else remember a study, done in Australia I think, where they
> put a light rider on one horse and a heavyweight on the other.  In the
> beginning the horse with the heavy rider ran higher heart rates, but
> after training with that rider for awhile they evened back up.  They
> found the only way to get an advantage was to train with a heavyweight,
> then have a lightweight ride in competition.  So...adaptation comes into
> play.  I'm sure if one rider is 100 lb. and the other 220 it didn't work
> quite so evenly, but the difference between 150 and 175 might even out
> with training.
> Angie

Hi Angie,

yes, I remember that study. It was published in a little booklet called
"Monitoring heartrates in endurance horses", written by an Australian Vet
(Pollit???). Unfortunately, thsi booklet is at home, so I have to get it in
my office and will tell you tomorrow about the facts. But as far as I
remember, you are right with the general facts.

More coming soon,


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