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Re: Re: Scheduling a farrier
We try to get the shoe back on with 2-3 days if not sooner. Often depends
on the schedule...sometimes we are 100 miles in the opposite direction.
That's when the nights, weekends and days off get whittled away! It's part
of the job. Sometimes, we might go a week before getting to it but that's
usually because the person either can't coordinate something sooner with us
or they're pretty busy, not riding much and tell us it's ok to go that long.
We reset thrown shoes within 3 weeks free and only charge a trip charge if
we can't fit it in with others in the area. After that, we do charge $10
plus the trip charge. Keep in mind that we only do this when the thrown
shoe is reported to us right away...I can't count the number of times the
owner waits days, maybe even weeks before telling us. Usually by that time,
we have been in the area several times and COULD have stopped in but now the
foot is pretty well busted up and they need to be reset entirely. We
occasionally have folks who decide it's necessary to remove the other shoe,
too! Changes the whole scenario!!!
Maggie Mieske
Mieske's Silver Lining
McBain, MI
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