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The weight issue
Well, I know i'm just a teen, and I have never
competed in endurance before, but I'm going to say
this anyway. Its just an observation I've made being a
regular jogger myself.
I am 5'2', 140 lbs, and in pretty darn good shape! I
have a sturdy, or stout build, which ever you prefer,
and keep a very steady pace. When we run the mile in
P.E. or I'm running up in the mountains on a
"conditioning ride" w/ Thunder Butt, I've noticed the
people on the thinner side really don't have that much
of an advantage over people built like me. The only
other thing I wish I could do is get long legs. This
seems give a little extra boost to the distance you
are covering, even when really tired.
I work hard in running, not too hard, but to keep in
shape, and it does pay off. Some of the little skinny
butts that "look" really in jogging clothes can't keep
up with the others who are stamina stocked and ready
to go!
Well, don't want to offend, just another opinion.....
A young pup w/ much to learn
Kels ;)
Thunder (you know i won't calm down on the trail, so
don't even think about taking me too a ride! *evil
horse grin*)> vs. lean mass
To My Horses: Horses are my life, horses are me, horses are the answer, the key. Without them I'd perish, no friends, no life with which to live. Them, always will I cherish, their love, and what they give. Horses are my life, horses are my way. And never will the day come, that I'd throw one way. They come, and go like the weather, but leave a mark in my heart that will stay forever. My boys, I love! ~Kelsey
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