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Re: Re:overweight an issue? - Weight vs. lean mass
Yes, this sounds like what I remember. Thanks!
"Becky Huffman" <TOS@htcomp.net> on 07/25/2000 09:31:02 PM
To: Tamara Woodcock/US1/Lend Lease@LLNA, ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: Re:overweight an issue? - Weight vs. lean mass
----- Original Message -----
From: <twoodcock@lendleaserei.com>> Didn't I see a study from Susan G on the
1996 Tevis that said rider weight/rider
> weight to horse ratio had no impact in endurance? I can't get to the
internet > right now, or I would look it up, but I'm fairly sure I saw this.
> > Tamara
a snip is pasted below my sig line.
I didn't see it scanning the article, but I thought I remembered that there
was a breaking point, in that there was some difference in the results once
the total horse/rider weight combined was over 1500lbs?? or the rider weight
went over 30%???? ((Susan!! are you there??))
if I am reading the table right, the 'rider weight ratio' ranged from
14.9% - 31.3% with literally no difference between the successful and
unsuccessful competitors.
Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~
<snipped from http://www.shady-acres.com/susan/tevis95-96.shtml >
A rider weight ratio was calculated as a ratio of rider weight divided by
horse body weight. Rider weight and rider weight ratio had no effect on
overall completion rates among all horses (p>0.05). Among horses
successfully completing the course, rider weight and rider weight ratio had
no effect on finish time or placing (p>.05). Among horses who were
eliminated, rider weight and rider weight ratio had no effect on miles
completed before failure (p>.05). Condition scores had a significant effect
on completion rate (p<.001). Miles successfully completed increased 19.88
miles for each incremental increase of 1 in condition score (p<.001
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