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Re: RC: Re: night riding was: Getting started in Endurance
I have no problems with rocks, but am intimately familiar with the bad drivers.
All of my "trails" are actually roadside. My area has wide shoulders on the
farm-to-market roads and this is where I do all of my riding. No unfenced piece
of land big enough to swing those sponge-substitute cats within 100 miles. All
of my horses are perfectly traffic safe by necessity.
I would love to have to be worried about rocks, cougars, bears, and steep narrow
"Sarah McIntosh" <smcintos@rapidnet.net> on 07/25/2000 08:05:30 PM
To: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
cc: (bcc: Tamara Woodcock/US1/Lend Lease)
Subject: RC: Re: night riding was: Getting started in Endurance
I envy those who can safely ride in the dark, but it wouldn't be very smart
where I live.
A few problems would be: rocks, rocks, rocks, cougars, bears, and steep
narrow mtn trails where it would be suicide to fall off the edge. We do
have some flat areas, but you have to ride on the road to get there which is
bad enough in the daylight, let alone at night when people are generally
driving too fast to see you before they hit you.
The only way I would think of riding here at night would be with a buddy.
C'est la vie.
Sarah & Saffy
Abbotsford, BC
----- Original Message -----
From: kristine hammond
> Greetings Tamara,
> I also do most of my riding in the dark. I actually love it. I have
> in the desert for a long time, and there is nothing more beautiful than a
> moonlight ride in the summer across the desert!
> Kriss
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