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Re: RC: RE: Re: Geriatric cat attacks loose dogs at rides.
At 03:55 PM 7/24/00 -0600, Marlene wrote:
I have a calico that likes to curl up in the
sink (well, all the Siamese we have do too) but he
doesn't mind when we turn on the water. He also rolls in mud
Now that's interesting. I had a calico cat that I taught to walk on
a leash in her "formative weeks" of youth, because just after I
got her as a kitten we went on a 2 month road trip up the Pacific coast
into BC. The very first stream she saw she stared at for a long
minute and then just jumped in! We went to the zoo in Vancouver
& she walked around just like a dog. She was freaked out by the
ostriches there, tho. She really was kind of dog like in many ways
- must have been some confusion I started in her head with the
leash. Lif
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