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Re: RC: Getting started in Endurance
Can't answer the first two (wrong area of the country) but the last is simple...
Ride in the dark!
I don't get home from work until 7pm. So all of my riding, even during the
summer is at night. Summer, I can at least start in the daylight, but winter is
dark from start to finish. Once you know your conditioning trails, riding at
night shouldn't be difficult. I do reccommend reflective tape on your helmet
and horse, though. And to always carry a mini mag-light.
I do 90% of my riding in the dark and alone.
"guest@endurance.net" <guest on 07/25/2000 06:54:56 PM
To: "ridecamp@endurance.net" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
cc: (bcc: Tamara Woodcock/US1/Lend Lease)
Subject: RC: Getting started in Endurance
Amanda Perez RescueReader@ureach.com
I am planning to get a horse in the not-too-distant future, and would like to
find out more about competitive endurance riding - if it looks like something
I'd enjoy, I'll look for an endurance prospect. Here are my questions:
1. Any groups/clubs in the VA/MD/PA area?
2. I'd like to volunteer at a ride to get an up-close view of how they work:
any tips.leads on how to find a ride and who to contact?
3. I work full-time, and in the winter, short daylight-hour will make training
difficult. How many hours do those of you who compete put in off-season?
Anyone else out there who is doing this in their 'spare time'? How do you
manage winter training?
Please respond to RescueReader@ureach.com
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