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Ride Managers..HEART OF OUR SPORT..

>After they'd been
>lost awhile he dug around under the seat and found the entry form I'd
>sent out from the previous year. >g<  MAKE SURE YOUR DIRECTIONS ARE
One of the things I was wishing were on the directions to the last ride
were the mile-marker numbers.  For example...Hwy XYZ is between mile marker
57 and 58...or at exit number 58, since exit numbers usually correlate with
mile markers.  This is helpful if you don't know how far you're going to
have to travel on a certain road.  If you get on near mile marker 20 and
you have to turn at 57, you know you have 37 miles to go and you won't be
looking for your turn any earlier than you need to, consequently slowing
down frequently and annoying the hell out of the drivers following your
trailer. <bg>

Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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