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Re: RC: Re: WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER (was: RM.... and Metabolic pulls at T...
I to have done most of the Rides that Kat is talking about. Although, I
don't ride multidays very fast at least, until everything seems just perfect.
If fact, we finish better the last 3 days than the first 2 days.
The point to my response is, I just plain don't like riding my horse
without the option of having water. Yeah, I know our horses can do it (and
they have) but I don't like it. My horse doesn't ask to be at those rides,
so what I like is, for her to enjoy what I'm putting her through.
I think either some people have the knack to naturally read their horse
or if not they are lucky to ride that same horse for 1000's of miles and of
course then you know your horse. But, speaking for the people sort of new
into the game, I would prefer having lots of water for their horse's. If for
nothing else...the horse deserves it, they work hard. I like a nice cold
bottle of water when I'm hot, eh?
All in all, I agree with Kat about horses can go far without water. But
wouldn't it have to pend on terrain, speed, temp., overall weight carried,
how much you get off, etc., etc....?
Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
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