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Re: WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER (was: RM.... and Metabolic pulls at Tevis)
Didn't they utilize this ride management strategy at Catoosa some years
back? I seem to remember a photo of a bulldozer scoop full of dead horses.
Sorry, Kat---I agree with some of your statements, but I strongly disagree
with the opinion in this paragraph.
Susan G
> K S SWIGART katswig@earthlink.net
> The way to keep metabolic crashes from happening at rides is to
> have fewer vet checks, fewer vets, less rider amenities, less crew acces,
and a tough trail. Then more riders will realize that the metabolic
condition of their horses is their own responsibility and ride accordingly.
The more veterinary control and more veterinary treatment required or
available, the
> more trouble horses are going to get in.
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