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Re: RC: Certifiable!
guest@endurance.net wrote:
> Sharon Satterwhite ssatt44@hotmail.com
> Just got back from Tehachapi and had to mention the fittest rider I'VE ever seen. He had done the Tevis the weekend before
> and showed up at BVS with a new horse. He RAN along side said
> horse on the 25 mile ride. Can't even begin to envision that
> level of fittness!
> Sharon and Jihad
Oh, then I've got to tell you about a friend of mine. She didn't have a horse in condition to do the Tevis one year, so she
just decided to run the entire thing on foot! (I'm assuming at a different time from the actual ride.) Anyway she is what they
call an Ultra Runner and has now run more 100 mile races than any woman in the world! I've trotted behind her on my horse on
our local trails.
- References:
- Certifiable!
- From: "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net>
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