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Endurance News
<< It is our goal in the office to get the magazine completed and to the
printer earlier than in past months and that way it will be ready for
mailing earlier than it used to be. Had a bit of a glitch this month as the
Computer had a few problems. But, that aside, we still had it to the
printers earlier than past months. We will continue to strive for early
There is a form that can be filled out - a complaint form, and sent to
individual postmasters by our members. It is a Consumer Service Card, USPS
Form 4314-C.>>
This information has been e-mailed to me from the acting Executive Director
of AERC in the Auburn office. For those of you who have experienced late
deliveries of the monthly Endurance News, the information in bold face may
prove helpful. The office now sends out the EN before the first day of the
month of the issue, and if it doesn't arrive at your home in a timely
fashion, it is a matter to take up with the USPS. Hope this helps all you
frustrated members whose issues are still at large by the end of the second
week of the month. (I don't blame you for being irritated.) By good
fortune, we receive our issue about 2 days before the first of the month.
There is something about bulk mailings that is proving inconsistent.
Barbara McCrary
W region director
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