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RE: another abscess question
I wonder about using a sugardine (betadine/sugar) poultice at this point. I
saw it do wonders for a horse that had horrendous, chronic abcesses in a
foot. Any comments from folks who have used sugardine poulticing?
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Fink [mailto:michrowe@frontier.net]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 4:05 PM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: another abscess question
What does an abscess look like when it blows out the back of the heel? Is
there any warning? My horses whole foot is swollen, and the heels have
softened. It looks like they are either ulcerating or else something is
happening from inside. Yuck, this is the worst wound I have had to treat.
Give me a wirecut to take care of any day.
FWIW, the vet does not want epsom or ichthammol soaks or poultices at this
point in the healing process. Since it draws out moisture, it causes the
horn to harden, which may cause problems at this point. When the infection
is better and the wound is actively healing, we will use ichthammol.
Moral support for healing up punctured soles is definitely welcome. I would
really like to hear some success stories and how long it took things to heal
up. I had planned to do a couple days of the Rocky Mountain 5 day for her
first ride - looks like her first ride is put off for a looooong time.
m (aka Michelle Rowe), CO
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