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Ride Managers..HEART OF OUR SPORT..
debbie zanot darkcat5@yahoo.com
To be a well rounded "endurance rider" one should do
ALL aspects of the sport. Managing a ride is the heart
of our sport. No rides, no sport. The NE, particulary
PA. has lost many good rides, but there are new brave souls
beginning to start new rides.
Gene and I have hosted the Elk Valley Ride for 8 years.
It wasn't easy the first 3 years and at times we almost
felt it wasn't worth the labor intensive, nerve wracking,
time consuming effort it takes, but we stuck with it, trying
to fine tune our event to make it worthwhile. It takes
endurance to be a R.M. That all said: I want to encourage
everyone to support new rides by entering them, so these
new R.M.'s WANT to perservere and continue year after year
to have events. It sure is nice when you don't have to drive
for 10-14 hours to go to a ride.
The Battle Hollow 50 is a new beginning ride. Saturday,
September 2,00.Gene , Loretta Wazellle, and I practically
begged friend Dori Skarbek to take over the old Groundhog
Classic date so as we wouldn't loose another PA. ride.
Dori is an experienced endurance rider and has been a loyal
Elk Valley volunteer for the entire 8 years. She and her
fun man Terry are the people that take P.R.'s and a myriad of
other tasks, jumping in and doing what ever it takes to keep
the cogs running smoothly.
Dori and Gary Burkett have put together some fantastic trails
that will be challenging, but safe and it should be a great ride.
Make plans early to enter the Battle Hollow 50 and support
this new NE ride.
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