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first easy-boot foam experience
Jutta Schmidt leosch@minot.com
This weekend I tried the easy-foam for the first time. We went on a pleasure ride in the Badlands, and I thaught this would be the perfect test for the foam. My horse has relatively low heels and I have a hard time keeping the boots on an unshod hoof. I cut the strap back, but I feel I can't pull the strap up enough to make it hold the boot, and it slips down.
Well...the first thing I learned is that A LITTLE FOAM GOES A LONG WAY !!!!!! What a mess! The stuff grew and grew! It mushroomed over the sides, and looked like something out of some science fiction movie.
The second thing I learned was that you have to work FAST! This stuff gets sticky in a hurry.
What fun Angie could have with this subject!
The bottom line is that the boots DID stay on. We rode all day and even navigated some tougher terrain. On the second day, one of the boots came off, after it got good and wet (this was the second boot I put on, and I used much less foam.
Does anybody out there have any hints for using easy-boots on horses with low heels?
As far as bruising of the hoof is concerned, I cut down the front of the Easyboot as far as possible, so it doesn't rub on the coronary band, I also put some vaseline on the coronary band, so the foam would not stick to it. This seemed to work pretty good. Any hints are welcome.
Jutta Schmidt
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