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Re: Re: horses on IV's at Tevis
I've been reading these posts the few days, find them interesting. I don't
have a lot of Tevis experience(but started riding ER in 1772), but I've
finished the last 2 years. On my 1st attempt in '97 we were pulled for OT
at 94 miles, with my horse in real good shape. Same horse all 3 times. I
don't think any kind of qualifing ride would work, unfortunately. My
frustration the riders that ride to fast, knowing that they are overriding
their horses. I'm not saying every horse that was on IV's had a rider like
that(there could be all kinds of reasons, hauling distance, altitude, etc.),
but it is the portion of riders like that on any ride that gives us all a
bad name. I think it even looks worse on flater rides. It like they are
not even tune with their horse. Horses aren't race cars. I can't help but
wonder if that small group was taken out of the stats, what the stats would
look like. We all admire a horse that can do that course fast and look
good and be sound after the ride, but I bet only a few of the them being
ridden that fast were ever capable of it.
Gail Hought and Shaq(Kings Flash)
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