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Re: RC: Stallion-Colt
Hi Shelly
Had to laugh about your comment re: food chain. The first time we put a
mare in rip roaring heat in Hal's paddock he experienced a
transformation. This one-eyed mare who was at the bottom of the food
chain with the other mares now was telling our stallion when to eat and
from which pile. He was incredibly "PW'd" as they say. It was pathetic
to watch. We actually felt sorry for him as she ruled him unmercifully.
HOWEVER the day she went out of heat and refused his advances, he turned
around and bit her on the neck-- not very hard-- just to tell her the
game is up! There is a lesson in here somewhere <BG>
TddWil@aol.com wrote:
> I'm glad you mentioned acreage. Our 4 yo stallion will do fine with other
> horses if there is enough room. An acre is fine. However, in a small pen he
> plays rough and the other horse has nowhere to go. He has been in with a
> number of geldings and seems to be at the bottom of the food chain. It was
> the same way with another stallion I was around. So much for the macho
> image...
> Shelly in DE
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Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(yes, REALLY!)
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