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RC: Stallion behavior

I could be wrong but I believe she was referring to a plastic whiffle
bat--toddlers and young kids use them to play with whiflle balls. Makes
a big noise, that's all.

Lif Strand wrote:
> Sure hope you aren't thinking of sending any horse of yours to that
> trainer.  Lif
> At 09:18 AM 1/17/00 , wrote:
> >Went to a trainer yesterday and he had a spoilt dangerous stallion he was
> >training and I asked him what did he do to get respect, and he rold me he
> >uses a baseball bat.  It was a plastic one.  Seems to work for him .
> ____________
> Lif & Paul Strand   STRAND ENTERPRISES
>    Arabian Horses for Distance Riding
> Internet Research * WebArt * Fine Art
> Nutrition and alternatives for self-reliant people
> Quemado, NM  USA

Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of TLA Halynov
I've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it
gets to the end, the faster it goes. Smell the roses!

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