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RC: cantering vs. trotting

As my old track coach used to say. Eliminate the weaknesses and develop
the strength so that you are an all around athlete. Good advice for
endurance horses as it is for humans.

Truman wrote:
> In a message dated 1/16/00 2:08:27 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Develop them both and use them both.  If for no other reason than to use
>  different muscle groups and stretch out the back. >>
> Absolutely.  What I meant (and maybe it wasn't clear) was that you have to
> work harder to develop the one that does not come naturally, and that you can
> utilize anything that a horse does well naturally, even if it is not what
> "everyone" says you should be doing.  IOW, if a horse is a natural canterer,
> by all means develop the trot and use it too, but don't feel ashamed to take
> advantage of his natural ability to canter well, even if everyone nags you
> that you "should" be trotting.
> Heidi

Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm 
Buck's Mystic Karma
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!

Brooksville, FL

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