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Need information, please

Gee, after reading Ed's post, it hit me that I bought Kaboot sight unseen
except for a video. I'd forgotten! >blush<  It went like this. (in story
telling mood, delete if you're just out to learn something impressive to

The horse I'd been riding shattered a splint bone (rear) I sold my backup
horse to pay the surgery.  I now had no money, and had to wait for the
injured horse to heal before I could sell him. (He'd been pulled in every
ride he'd entered)  Danny Herlong called and said, "I've got a gray horse
I need to get rid of and I heard you sell horses sometimes". I said, "I
only sell kid horses" and he said, "Well, this AIN'T no kid horse".  Then
when he heard I had no horse to ride, he offered to send him to me and I
could pay him if I felt like it, whenever I got some money. (Bet Bette
never runs sales like that!)  He said he'd send me a video so I anxiously
awaited it.

The video arrived.  The person holding the camera stood 2" from Kaboot's
nose so he looked like he had a HUGE head.  Meanwhile he had a halter on
that would have fit a Belgian.  He pointed out what nice big feet he
had..."and you can tell they got good thick walls cause they're grown out
an inch too long and haven't broke off" (they looked 2" too long).
Finally, they lunged him...sort of.  Actually a blue heeler was sort of
chasing him around on the end of a rope.  The only thing I could tell was
that he spread out a MILE in the back and I'd always admired that in
other people's horses.  So, I told him to bring the horse to the War
Eagle ride and I'd get him there. On the video he said, "His name is Kha
Bou, but he will answer to most anythang".  With his accent, I thought he
said, "Kaboot", thus his name.

When we got there he handed him to me he said, "you might want to lunge
him a little bit before you get on, to get the hump out of his back".  

I paid for a stall for him to stay in while at the ride and it was in the
same barn as the awards meeting.  Seems Kaboot doesn't care for applause.
 Everytime people would applause he'd throw himself into the walls. 
Finally I took him for a walk and he knocked me down. He was a little
nervous I'd say.

They couldn't find his Coggins.Though he'd had one that year they
couldn't find it when they left the just gave me one for
another gray Arab they had.  Just to make sure we understood each other I
said, "What happens if I have him tested and he's positive?  He said,
"Shoot him and you don't owe me nothin"  It's always good to have an

Anyway, got him home and we've lived happily ever after.  I got him for a
good price, if you don't count my doctor's bills.  He's cost Blue Cross
over $14,000.

P.S. They didn't charge me for shipping. :-)


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