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To Kat and everyone who has said they will help me to import sugar beet pulp:
At last!  I have found out that I do not need a permit to import it, and that the duty is 20% of the invoice price.  Now I just need to know the following:
1.  How much does it cost (in dollars, so I can do the conversion - shudder!)
2.  What size bags will it come in?
3.  How much will it cost to ship?
4.  How do I go about paying for it?  Can the feed store debit my credit card or do I have to send a money order?  The problem with the latter is that they charge a fortune over here in exchange control, and I would wind up paying almost double! 
I'd really appreciate any help you can give as I'm dead keen to import the stuff, and I'm considering selling it locally, if possible, as it sounds brilliant, and people out here have got no idea how to feed their horses! 
PS No insult intended to SAcan Ridecampers, but having spent the last four years amongst the SJing, DQ crowd, who regard 7kgs of grain per day as "about right", I feel qualified to comment!

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