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RE: RE: Funny horse dreams

Actually, it was the rest of the riders that did it.  He assumed that CTR and endurance was going to be just as bad as his opinion of the rest of the show world.  I did an endurance fun ride and made him come help me out since I'd never done this before either.  After the ride, he wished he'd have ridden and said it was nothing like he expected - the people were nice, it didn't matter that we slept under a tarp in the back of our truck.  So, I really have to thank everyone out there for this miracle.  It does help that we hate to spend time apart and I spend as much time helping him with his car hobbies as he does now with the horses.
-----Original Message-----
From: Simms, Judith []
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 12:06 PM
To: 'Marlene Moss'; Advantage Saddles;
Subject: RE: RE: Funny horse dreams

OK Marlene, out with your secret!  HOW did you pull off this miracle??????
-----Original Message-----
From: Marlene Moss [mailto:MARLENE.MOSS@WCOM.COM]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 12:17 PM
To: Advantage Saddles;
Subject: RC: RE: Funny horse dreams

<<Dream: Husband would suddenly develop an interest in horses. We would
finally share an activity.
Reality: Husband ignores horses, except for an occasional resentful comment
about how I complain I don't have enough time.>>
My dream finally came true on that one.  Last year my husband said he would not mind riding once or twice a year on trail rides and I'd better start figuring out how to haul the trailer myself and good thing I'm short, I can sleep in the cab.  This year he decides endurance is the thing to do.  We bought a new (to us) truck with 4x4.  That didn't work, so we now have a new Dodge diesel (he said he'd never drive diesel and now brags to everyone how much he loves it).  We bought a truck tent, hopefully to last a few years, just to decide how long we'd stay in this - and last night he drove home our new 4H with big dressing room and hasn't stopped talking about plans to convert to LQ.  And to top it off, last week he bought 2 new horses and was also seen with the manure fork in his hands.  He swears he was just moving the fork out of the way, but I don't know . . .
We have a CTR this weekend - maybe he'll even help me feed this time!


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