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GEtting gas on the way to BVS
we need a little help here. Our truck died 2 weeks ago the day we brought
home the first NEW trailer we have ever had. Aside from the obvious distress
(and sense of guilt for getting a truck before my loving hubby could replace
his car), we will be dogging it to the ride whilst I get used to my new 5th
wheel (haven't hauled one in over 20 yeasr! Yes, I was 8!) In addition, I am
not really sure of the mileage and so will need to know where and when to get
gas on the way out. It has been two years of course, and with a few
Momzheimers moments, I just can't recall, and I don;t want ot be on this side
of stranded before I find gas.
We will be going up the 5 to the 14 northeast and then west on the 58. It
seems like I can go about 300 on a tank - well, 2 actually, but that's the
limit that I KNOW of. The inference is on BIG station, halfway to BVS. Okay,
hit me!
san(who LOVES her trailer but hates how she got the truck)
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