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Tevis, slower riders, some random thoughts
Jonni <jonnij@earthlink.net>
I think a more constructive way to handle ones thoughts on a ride would be to send them to the governing organization. In this cast, the Board of Directors of the WSTF. Airing ones complaints in a forum like this may get the attention of the governing organization (be it AERC, or the WSTF in this case) but it also may put the person "complaining" in a public bad light. Personally, if Endurance Riding was part of my livelihood (training/conditioning horses) I would not want to put myself in such a position.
Tevis is a ride that brings more emotions out, than any other ride I have seen. Many put their hearts and souls into this ride. Conditioning and preparing our horses with one goal. To get a Tevis buckle. Yet, for some, its just another ride..but not for many. When things do not go as planned, or as we had hoped, we are frustrated that all that time, effort, and yes money did not get us the result we had hoped for. Many want to find excuse in others for the demise of our goal. And some do just chalk it up to "bad luck", and look forward to next year. I am not saying that Tammy had complete bad luck, and that things could not have been better at the vet checks. I was not there. The amount of hay and supplies could have been diminished when she arrived. But, to add to that, the fact she spun a shoe was not the fault of the event. We hope for a farrier at vet checks, but I would never assume there would be one. I would be sure to have pliers in my saddle bag, and do what it took to get an Easyboot over that shoe if I could not remove it, to prevent further damage to the hoof. Also, one horse finished, the other did not. Were they riding the same pace, and had the same amount of food available? Yes, maybe not enough food out there, but one horse handled that situation fine, the other did not.
This is one tough ride. And we do expect that "management" will do the best possible to take care of ALL the riders, but "crap happens". Be constructive and see what suggestions you can offer to help make it not happen next year, instead of dwelling on how horrible it was this year. This is a sport based a huge amount on volunteers. Keep that in mind as you are out there riding because you choose to. The chose to volunteer all day in the sun, for hours at a time, so you can do this sport. How many of you riders at Tevis this year THANKED the timers, and people who filled your water, held your horses, brought you feed for your horse etc. And how many complained to a volunteer if you were unhappy with a situation at a vet check?
Just something's to think about.
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