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statistics on AERC rides...
A question came up on another endurance group board about completion rates
for 100s vs 50s. Some of the statistics from the 1999 yearbook are below..
> see page 70 of 99 yearbook.
> average for all regions finishing 100s is 62%. lowest region is ps at 56%
> - best is sw at 79%
> 50s average finishing rate 85% with a MT high of 93% and a low 79%
> in NE and SE
> LD finishing rate is 89%.
> as usual - the 100s are a very small fraction of total riders - only 6%
> of the membership competed in 1 day 100s. thought this used to be almost 10%
> a few years ago so the AERC is really a group that mostly does LD and
> 50s. Perhaps because there are so few 100s? and looks like 100s getting
> LD represents 32% of the total and likely growing. SE and Central have by far the
> largest LD programs with 36% of the total LD even though they are some of the
> smaller rider regions. I know both of these regions have made a significant
> effort to grow these programs - not only as entry points into endurance
> riding but also for economic reasons.
> Mike
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