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Thanks reporters & photographers!
Once again we've had great coverage of a major endurance
event. People sitting at home in front of computer monitors waiting
impatiently for results tend to forget (well, I do) what it takes to be
out there in the boonies trying to upload photos and reports - it takes a
Pay phones are great for voice reportage, but not so great for
uploading stuff to the internet. There aren't exactly a lot of pay
phones out there along the Tevis trail anyway. Finding phone
connections is a major deal - and takes time from the reporting, the
driving to the next check, and little things like eating and
sleeping. So our reporters are heros too.
I'm writing to thank all of you who were out there putting in 25 hour
days at Tevis for all of us left at home. Great job! Really
and truly appreciated. Lif & Paul
Lif & Paul Strand STRAND
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