Re: Discrete Inquiry
><< Well, we'll see. Have already encountered several riders who fit this
>over the past couple of decades. You know, serious people. Horsemen. Genuine
>dedication. Few and far between, but they're out there. We'll find one.
> >>
>Is it me - am I the only one rather offended and irritated not only at this
>weird sort of post but by the (herein) insinuation that most of us are not
>serious.....geuine...dedicated.....SMART? Well, I don't know about the rest
>of you guys, but I say ti, knock it off - you are reachign into the region
>offensive and arrogant, not to mention really rude.
I'm going to disagree here. Where else would Tom have access to an
enormous number (globally) of intelligent, energetic, well educated
horsemen who either may be interested personally or know of someone who may
fill the bill? That person needs to know that the position is available.
It's not exactly something that you can advertise in the local Little Nickel.
It's a big job...and has certain very specific requirements. The potential
rewards (money (the monetary stuff), regular work bennies, an incredible
education (that stuff they put into your brain that *no one* can take away)
in a variety of horse areas, contacts around the world, a marketable skill
desired worldwide, and so on) make the basic requirements worth having and
Let me condense it a little (TIC ;-)):
Rare opportunity for the right person!
Desire intelligent, level headed, honest, experienced horse person who is
willing to work long hours, follow the company rules explicitly, and be
willing ride and train according to company policy. Position includes
competitive wages, good benefits, and an opportunity to advance. Some
travel may be necessary, periodic drug testing will be required. Those who
may NOT apply include: drunks, druggies, couch potatoes, those with mental
instabilities or anger management problems, and those with their own
agenda. Personal references and in-depth interview with company CEO will
be necessary.
Hmmm....sounds like a local ad for Microsoft. <g>
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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